my projects

open source projects

This module generates a magic square of the desired size. As a reminder, a magic square is a matrix N * N whose numbers are distinct and between 1 and (N * N) where the sum of a line, a column or a diagonal is always equal to the same number.

This module makes it possible to check if a matrix is a magic square or not. As a reminder, a magic square is a matrix N * N whose numbers are distinct and between 1 and (N * N) where the sum of a line, a column or a diagonal is always equal to the same number.

A solver to resolve the magic square.

Personnal site develope using GatsbyJS Framework, running on React.

Discovery of the React Framework. Creation of tic tac toe game.

Discovery of the React Framework. Creation of snake game.

Creation of serpentron game. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible without touching the opponent.

A facemash-like app with cute cats


Orientation solution inside complex buildings, totally independent of any physical material or internet connection.

o'bEiNGLISH is a platform for connecting trainers and students who want to learn English and/or maintain their level of English over time.

His method is based on three axes: pedagogical, motivation, continuous improvement

Mobile application enhancing the visitor experience for the Revelation show to be held in Paris in May 2019